About Us

Our Commitment

At the Girls' and Women's Empowerment and Development Organization (GWED), we are committed to creating a world where education and health lead to the full societal participation of girls and women. Our founder, Georgette Hatcheu, with her rich experience and multifaceted educational background leads our diverse team in offering a range of services.

From education, health promotion, and livelihood support in the U.S. to international programs fostering resilience and peace, GWED stands as a beacon of empowerment.

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Our Mantra

We Empower, Educate, and Elevate all groups of people to acheive their true potential.


We work to bring a future of systemic equity to the present for all populations.


We believe in a world where girls and women, educated and healthy, are active participants in all aspects of society.


We value inclusivity, empowerment, education, and health as cornerstones of development.

Vision Breakdown

Empowering youth and women through engagement, health trainings, advocacy, and leadership programs.

Our Commitment

1. Advancing educational opportunities and improving health literacy among diverse populations.
2. Empowering youth and women through engagement, advocacy, and leadership programs.
3. Supporting vulnerable groups, including the internally displaced, through tailored assistance and protection.
4.Collaborating with global partners to drive sustainable development and peace.
5.Cultivating a culture of continuous learning and innovation to adapt to evolving global challenges."

Our Team

Founder and Executive Director

Georgette Hatcheu,

Executive Assistant

Beatrice Tchapda


Beverly Pleasants


Caroline Berinyuy , Ph.D